29 December 2009

So tired

I am pretty sure that there cannot possibly be any more pregncnt women left in the Champaign-Urbana and surrounding areas. I think they have all delivered their babies in the last couple of months. Things have got to slow down some eventually!!

I pretty much had no Christmas. I woprked the 23rd and 24th and got home around 8 AM on the 25th. I was completely wiped out and slept part of the day. Then after getting up early on the 26th, I was back to work that night and the next.

I think next year I might try and take vacation that week. I will still have to work either the 24th or 25th for my mandatory holiday, but if I had the rest of the week off that would be good.

By the way, I hate that I have to work every holiday. Everyone does, but the only way around it would be if the supervisors started working holidays and I guarantee you they aren't about to do that!! But nobody on nights can ever go see family or anything on a holiday because you have to work either the night before or the night of, every holiday. For minor holidays like Labor Day and Memorial Day you can usually get someone to work for you because not many people care about working those nights. But try to get rid of Christmas or New Year's or Thanksgiving. It's tough.

21 December 2009

Random questions

If a turtle loses his shell, is he naked or homeless?

How do dead bugs get into enclosed light fixtures?

Why are wekdays so long, but weekends so short?

Are children who act in "R" rated movies allowed to see them?

Yeah, it's 5 AM and I am up because I have a child who said she needed medicine because her voice is different.

27 October 2009

The Grand Canyon

So it's been awhile since I've blogged. We had H1N1 in our house along with pink eye, strep throat, stomach flu, and colds, all in the last month or so. Nobody has felt like doing anything.

I'm trying to wean Jordan off the pacifier. It's not going so well. I'm open to any and all suggestions please!

Sean had a birthday a few weeks ago. We went and saw "The Invention of Lying." It was hilarious. Go see it.

And I've been thinking about where our family should go on vacation to next year. We had some good vacations when I was a kid. Disney World, Daytona Beach, St. Louis for a week. We had great times. Except for the Grand Canyon. Don't take your kids there. It's really boring and there is nothing to do. Nothing. You just look at the Grand Canyon, which I will admit is beautiful. However after you've seen it for a few minutes, you're done. Granted the first time I went I was 14 and everything is lame at 14. But I went back at 18 with my dad, my brother, and my boyfriend, and it was still boring. The best part of the trip was my dad and my brother arguing over the Double Whopper from Burger King on the way home. Which actually was really funny, but that's another story.

So really I'm thinking it's not a great vacation spot with kids. Our kids like the beach. We'll probably end up somewhere like that again. And to be honest, I can't think of any better vacation than a beach.

14 September 2009

An open letter to my daughters

Dear Kayla and Jordan,

Sweethearts, I understand it's really fun to play with telephones. I, too, enjoy pretending to talk to you on the phone. It's a fun activity! However, would it be too much to ask that you stick with the multiple toy telephones we have in the house and not the real phones? Please stop calling 911 and having the police come to our house. I think the first couple of times they were ok with it, but really now I think it's not so funny anymore. Eventually Mommy and Daddy are going to get into trouble. And just how do your little fingers manage to dial the "9-1-1" as soon as you turn the phone on anyway? I'm amazed by that. Please stop playing with the phones and I'll buy you some M&M's.

Love, Mommy

01 September 2009

A shocking discovery

The Savoy Wal-mart got new carts, and is remodeling the store to look all fancy and upscale. Well, whatever, it's still Wal-mart, but I appreciate the effort so maybe I don't feel so cheap when I shop there. Anyhoo, so they got rid of all of the old carts and got new ones. I'd say yay to that because the old ones were all worn out and you couldn't hardly find one with a seat that wasn't cracked or with an intact seatbelt for your child to sit in. But the new carts, I don't know what's up with them. Every time I touch them, they shock me. And I can't even like ground myself out by touching something else metal before I touch one, it doesn't work. Yesterday I was walking around the store and I never let go of the handle and it was continually shocking me every few minutes, like it was electrical or something. It kind of hurt my hands after awhile. I'm not a big fan of the new carts.

31 August 2009

I'm a bad blogger

So I've really been a bad blogger lately. I guess it's been a busy summer. Work. Call. Working on call. Vacation in Florida for 2 weeks which was amazing! I so badly needed to get away from here for awhile! The weather was great, we got some sun, it was fabulous. And I am pretty sure I ate my weight in fresh seafood. Ok, not that much, but I do love fresh grouper. It's my favorite fish and you can't get it around here anywhere I'm sorry to say. It's expensive, but so tasty!! If you're ever in Florida or somewhere you can get it, I highly recommend it.

Anyway so Kayla started pre-school this week. She likes it, which is good! I was surprised we had no trouble getting her on the bus. And it was kind of nice today going to Walmart with only 1 child. I hardly knew what to do with myself! Now that school is back in I am hoping I might get a little more sleep occasionally! But I don't think I can count on that too much.

14 July 2009

I love to hate McDonald's

So I have 3 kids, and obviously we visit McDonald's on a regular basis. I have to admit, the food is pretty tasty. I'm sure it's the addictive chemicals. Whatever the reason, who can resist the fries, right?

But seriously, folks, why oh why can't the service be any better? I mean, I get it. People are working for 8 bucks an hour and you can't live on it. But why can't I ever get what I ordered? Or napkins even? When you order 3 Happy Meals, wouldn't it stand to reason you might have kids?

Today I ran through the drive thru, sort of, for breakfast. I got off work at 7:30 and met Sean and the kids. Normally we would go home for breakfast, but Ryan has a camp at 9 AM all week so by the time we get home he doesn't have time to eat and tyurn around and go back to town. So we're doing Dunkin' Donuts and stuff all week when I'm working. Today we decided on McDonald's. Ryan loves the Bacon, Egg, and Cheese biscuits and the girls love hash browns.

So I pull into the stupid double drive thru, where no matter what, I always pick the wrong lane. I get to the speaker and they say "Hello, hold on a moment" and I said "Ok."

So I sat there, while they took the orders for 5 cars in the other lane. 5!!!! WTF?? So I started calling "Hello? Hello???" and the lady said "I'm sorry for your wait, hold on just a moment please."


2 more cars order in the other lane so I just pulled out of line and went inside. I didn't want to because I had the kids in the car, but I figured at that rate it would be February before we got breakfast.

So I ordered our food. I order Kayla and Jordan a child size orange drink to share and they gave me a small. They figure right now the drinks are all 89 cents, so they always do that to me. Problem is the cup is too big. I just wanted to get out of there so I didn't try to exchange it.

Went out to my van, gave Ryan and Kayla their drinks, started to hand out hash browns when Kayla dropped her cup and I had 16oz of Hi-C flowing down the center aisle of my van. I grabbed the stack of napkins I got, which I probably wouldn't have had driving thru to clean it up. I sent Ryan in with her cup to refill it halfway, secretly hoping someone would come outside and tell me it wasn't allowed since I got it to go. I cleaned up all the ice and orange drink with the napkins and threw the dirty napkins in the parking lot. I doubt it's the manager or drive thru person who will have to clean it up but I was still mad.

11 July 2009

My latest labor & delivery triage call

...went something like this:

Me: "Labor and delivery, this is Kelli."

Caller: "Hi this is Kim*, a patient advisory nurse. I have a patient on the phone who is 23 weeks pregnant and she has a question."

Me: "Ok. I can help you."

Kim: "She stepped on a rusty nail today and now her foot is swelling up."

This is the part where I really wanted to say "Does she have a 23-week fetus coming out of her foot? Because that's what I do. Triaging medical calls is what YOU do. But I thought I'd be polite.

Me: "Is she having any problems pregnancy wise right now?"

Kim: "No, just the swollen foot."

Me: "Ok, then that's an emergency room type of call. She probably needs a tetanus shot. We don't treat that kind of thing up here."

Kim: "Ok, I'll just talk to her then!"

Maybe I should be a little nicer in my head even, but I keep getting stupid calls from patients.

"Hi, I just had sex with my boyfriend. Do you think I could be pregnant?"

"Did you use any form of birth control?"


"Then yes. But you won't know for a couple of weeks."

That girls sounded like she was about 14.

"Hi, I'm 25 weeks pregnant and I have a pain in my shoulder, like a pulled muscle kind of, but I was wondering if it could possibly be pre-term labor?"

"Do you have any pains in your belly or in your back, or do you have any vaginal bleeding or fluid leaking?"

"No, just my right shoulder, like I said, kind of like I pulled a muscle."

"Ok, you probably pulled a muscle then. Take some Tylenol and put a warm pack on it."

Really, not every injury or illness is related to pregnancy, even if you are actually pregnant. Could you have stepped on a rusty nail not pregnant? Of course! Are you going to visit the labor and delivery unit for treatment? Of course not, you'd go to the ER! So why would you call me now???

05 July 2009

All moved!

Well, it's been awhile since an update. We closed on our house june 18 after a very stressful week of not knowing whether we were going to be approved for sure or not. Evidently everyone is jumping on the low interest rates and $8000 tax credit (cha-ching!) like we did and the underwriting department of the mortgage company isn't able to review applications until the day before closing. Ugh. But we finally got it all approved and moved.

Well maybe not all moved in.

We have a 3 car garage and one whole section is filled with boxes. All of the necessities are in the house though, which makes me wonder what I actually NEED out there. We've been living in here just fine. Perhaps I should just get a dumpster and pitch everything. Actually all of our DVD's and books are still out there. I know I am going to want those. And my Cowboys paraphernalia which Sean doesn't know yet but is going to be our bedroom decor. I'm not getting rid of it.

So come on over, see my new house!

02 June 2009

Organic produce

I don't really like to buy organic produce as a general rule. Sometimes I do from the farmer's market and other times just occasionally. But really, I kind of like my fruit and veggies to have pesticides on them. I hate going through a bin of apples or tomatoes etc and they all look like crap because of the bug holes in them. I wash them anyway so I get the pesticides off, but I like them to look nice. And I don't think that the fruits and veggies I eat are going to make much difference environment wise so I can't even be guilt-tripped into thinking that.

29 May 2009

Wii Fit gripe

I know with all of the rest of the problems in the world, this pales in comparison. But does anyone else find it unnecessary that after you turn on the Wii Fit and it says "step on!" as soon as you step on it goes "Oh!" in a tone that suggests you are squashing it? I also don't appreciate when I do the Wii Fit test and it calculates my BMI it says "You're obese!" Thanks. I already knew that.

22 May 2009


So my Dad is a die-hard Cubs fan. Always has been since before I was born. When I was probably 7 I decided I was going to become a Cardinals fan. Just to drive him crazy. I told him then it was because I like their uniforms better, but really it was just to annoy him.

So one year we were on vacation in St Louis (this is the year I was about 8) And Ghostbusters was pretty popular. He bought my a Cubsbusters t-shirt. It had the Cubs logo inside the Ghostbuster logo instead of the ghost. It was kind of funny. And I worke the crap out of it for the next year or so until it was full of holes.

Then when I was about 9 I was watching a game with him and they were playing the Mets. I decided I was going to like the Mets. I have no earthly idea why. But he said he didn't care if I liked the Mets, it was better than liking the Cardinals, so I was a Mets fan for a minute or so. It wasn't the uniforms because seriously I have no idea what they looked like. Can't even tell you where they're from.

Then in high school everyone was White Sox fans. So I jumped on that. Bought some White Sox T-shirts, watched a few games. It lasted maybe a season. My dad asked me to name 3 players who played for the White Sox. I think I named 1. I did win box seats to a Cardinals-Astros game in St Louis that year and went. It was my first and currently only major league ball game I've been to. I don't remember who won, but I did enjoy the peanuts.

Then a few years ago The Cubs thought about making it to the World Series. And I thought about rooting for them. I kind of was because I know their history and thought it would be cool if they won. We all know that didn't happen. When the Cardinals and White Sox won their World Series I was happy, and totally cheered them on.

Now it's summer and we're back into baseball season. I hear people talking. I listen. I was wondering who I should really root for.

Then it hit me.

I freaking hate baseball.

15 May 2009

My new favorite website


Freaking hilarious. I can't stop reading. I have laughed so hard today I am pretty sure if I don't get off the computer soon, I am going to pee my pants. Enjoy!!

13 May 2009

and now more randomness

I got my dog groomed today. He's a Yorkie-Poo which is a Yorkshire Terrier - Toy Poodle mix if you didn't know. He's a lot bigger than I was hoping he'd be. But he needed a trim really bad so I took him in today and they said they had to trim him short because he had several tangles in his fur. I said OK. Evidently, he was ALL FUR. Because he is now the size of a small cat. I bet he lost 3 pounds. He only weighed 10 at the vet last week. I hate the shampoo they used. he smells like mustard. He's a mustard dog.

I introduced Kayla to the exciting world of flip flops this week. She really likes them but evidently they are as difficult to learn to walk in as high heels, as evidenced by the multiple abrasions on her knees, lovingly covered by Dora the Explorer and Disney princess bandaids.

Ryan wants a hamster. I told him he couldn't even care for his goldfish, they all died. He promised he could keep a hamster alive. He is now responsible for an imaginary hamster for a month. He has to feed it twice a day and clean it's cage twice a week. Which means he comes and tells me "Mom, it's time to feed my hamster!" so I know he remembered. I'm giving it 2 days - tops.

My mother's day kind of sucked this year. Sean usually gets me great gifts and cards from the kids. He didn't do that this year. And Ryan was crying on Sunday because he didn't have anything to give me. But he did make me a sweet card in Sunday School. I wouldn't fix dinner because I was mad so I made Sean go to Champaign and get take-out. And I made him go to this place that's in the middle of all the one-way streets on campus and is a total pain in the ass to get to. They have really good food, but I never go there. That is why.

We're moving in a month. I haven't started packing. And I'm having a garage sale in 3 weeks and I haven't started getting ready for that either. I bet I live here a month after we close on the new place because I can't get my life organized.

03 May 2009

You gotta love kids

Kayla has been saying for awhile that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Recently she has decided she wants to be a "skate girl" which after many questions I have determined to mean ice skater. She wants to be a doctor skate girl. Are there many doctors that are also figure skaters? If so, that is the career path my daughter has chosen to pursue.

27 April 2009

What can I say?

I'm not the best blog updater ever, I know. It's been a rough week at work. Lots of demises. And we're dealing with all of the new house stuff. Trying to plan decor, pack, get paperwork together. It's been a lot of work. I got to sing yesterday at Church though, which is always great for me! I love it, it's my favorite thing to do. I am at the end of my 5 day stretch off. I love this, but it's always hard to go back to work. I never accomplish as much as I hope to accomplish in that time off! I had hoped to have some stuff packed by tomorrow, some non-essential stuff that can be packed anyway! But oh well! I have a few more weeks to get stuff done anyway, right? I hope I can get everything done!

22 April 2009

I'm getting old.

The girls both woke up at 0430 and got into bed with Sean and me. This happens from time to time, but it's not usually both at the same time. So Jordan laid down on her cot beside our bed which is where Kayla would lay if Jordan hadn't gotten up at the same time. So Kayla laid down horizontally at the foot of our bed. Well I was really uncomfortable, naturally, so 45 minutes later I figured I'd go sleep on the couch. Which is ok, really! We have a very comfy couch I can stretch out on and have gotten many a good nap there.

But that's not the way life works. No, I laid on the couch for awhile and still couldn't fall back asleep. It's presently after 9 AM and I have been up since 0430 with no likelihood of a nap this afternoon and work tonight.

I'm reminded of an episode of How I Met Your Mother a few weeks ago. If you've never seen this show it's on at 7:30 PM on Monday nights on CBS. One of the all time funniest shows I've ever seen. (I do not work for CBS or the producers or writers of this show I just really like it.) Anyhoo, Ted, who is the main character in the show, tells his friends he is looking forward to being old. That it's a reward for getting through life. Barney, one of his friends, played by Neil Patrick Harris and who I will always consider to be Doogie Howser, MD, gives him a list of things that old people do and tells him to complete this list over a weekend and see how he likes it. The lists includes things like have dinner at 4 PM, Drive slowly with your blinker on, yell at some neighborhood kids, buy bifocals etc. It also included get up at 4AM.

So maybe because I woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep I'm becoming old? My dad gets up early every day. I've been in denial about my age for the past couple of years. I recently celebrated my 29th birthday for the 3rd time. I had a mid-life crisis the year I turned...I can't say it...the year I turned 29 for the second time. I told Sean I wanted to go buy a Mustang convertible, get a tattoo, I don't remember what else I said.

I did none of those things. Because I'm too old for that crap.

21 April 2009

I don't ask for much out of life

Well actually I do. But really. Is it so much to ask that in the 2 days between getting pre-approved for my mortgage and locking in the rate, that the percentage not jump up? I mean, come on, throw me a freaking bone here. I'm already paying the max I said we'd spend on a house. It's been a stressful few days. This is why some people rent homes their whole life. And I'm not kidding, I've considered that the last few days!!! It's a lot bigger pain in the butt than I ever thought buying a house would be! It's exhausting. But it's going to be my house. And it's great. And it's big. Really big. Way bigger than any rental I've ever had. I guess that's worth it. And we'll be getting the $8000 tax credit!!! Can't argue about those benefits. Now if only some rich relative would show up and pay my closing costs.

19 April 2009


I was looking through the videos I took at the New Kids on the Block concert a couple of weeks ago. There was a point in the concert where Joe took the stage by himself and sang a medley of some songs he had sung lead for. Right after that, Donnie took the stage by himself. And he said something like "Joe came backstage and told me 'Donnie - there is a girl in the audience. She's the one you're looking for. She's your Cover Girl.'" which of course naturally led into Donnie's song "Cover Girl" one of his more popular songs.

Now, I can't be 100% sure about this, but I am almost positive that he was talking about me. I've always felt that Joe and I had this connection, since I was like 12 years old. So I'm sure he was feeling it as well that night and told Donnie to look for me.

17 April 2009

weird sightings

If you were a follower of my blog from many years ago (before I had the girls) You might remember that I like to post when I see something really strange. Like the day I saw the old lady on a Harley. (Seriously - she was like 70 with blue hair, a polyester pantsuit, and orthopedic shoes. Riding a Harley. Grandma on a hog probably tops the weird sighting list.)

Anyhoo, do people use HAM radios much anymore? I mean, really, that often? I saw this little tiny Ford Escort today with HAM radio plates. Not so weird I know, what was weird was the GINORMOUS antenna on top of the car. It was like they were trying to contact Jupiter. The antenna had to be 6 feet tall, I kid you not. And part of it was probably as big around as a soda can. Stuck smack in the middle of the roof of the car. Weird. Who do they communicate with that they need an antenna that big??


We at Chocolate is a Fruit believe that working 4 nights in a row with 1 night off before 3 nights on is not only stupid, it's suicidal.

15 April 2009

I just need to take a shower!

Jordan hasn't taken a nap in 2 days. Kayla won't take one right now because Jordan isn't. I can't shower while they're awake. I have tried this. Usually what happens while I am in the shower, even a short shower, is they move kitchen chairs to the cabinets and get into the cookies and candy, they pull every book off the bookshelves, and they'll attempt to do something that they have no idea how to do, like play the Wii or "check e-mail." That's hat they say when I see them in the computer chair "I"m checking my e-mail!" Ugh! I already worked out a couple of hours ago and I am all sweaty and gross and I'd really like to take a shower and get dressed! And no, turning a movie on doesn't work either. Grrrr...


My daughters are fighting over whose turn it is to pick the show they are watching. They are sitting here screaming at each other "My turn to pick!" "No, MY turn to pick!!" "No, MY turn to pick!!" and so on. And they both want to watch Dora the Explorer.

14 April 2009

Now that lent is over...

I can eat candy again. Which is my huge weakness. And believe me, I've eaten plenty over the last 2 days!

In related news, a Cadbury Cream Egg is a great way to get an extra 150 calories in your diet.

13 April 2009

I was on call last night, and by the way, really surprised not to get called in. But naturally I left my cell phone on my nightstand in case they called in the middle of the night, which happens from time to time (BOO). Well about 4:30 this morning I thought I heard my phone vibrating so I grabbed it really quick to answer it when I realized there was no call, it was my husband snoring.

First posting

So I know everyone is really on the blog bandwagon. I used to be, back before I had a husband and 3 kids. But since then I haven't had so much time. And I occasionally wish I had somewhere to share the random thoughts that pop into my head now and then.