22 April 2009

I'm getting old.

The girls both woke up at 0430 and got into bed with Sean and me. This happens from time to time, but it's not usually both at the same time. So Jordan laid down on her cot beside our bed which is where Kayla would lay if Jordan hadn't gotten up at the same time. So Kayla laid down horizontally at the foot of our bed. Well I was really uncomfortable, naturally, so 45 minutes later I figured I'd go sleep on the couch. Which is ok, really! We have a very comfy couch I can stretch out on and have gotten many a good nap there.

But that's not the way life works. No, I laid on the couch for awhile and still couldn't fall back asleep. It's presently after 9 AM and I have been up since 0430 with no likelihood of a nap this afternoon and work tonight.

I'm reminded of an episode of How I Met Your Mother a few weeks ago. If you've never seen this show it's on at 7:30 PM on Monday nights on CBS. One of the all time funniest shows I've ever seen. (I do not work for CBS or the producers or writers of this show I just really like it.) Anyhoo, Ted, who is the main character in the show, tells his friends he is looking forward to being old. That it's a reward for getting through life. Barney, one of his friends, played by Neil Patrick Harris and who I will always consider to be Doogie Howser, MD, gives him a list of things that old people do and tells him to complete this list over a weekend and see how he likes it. The lists includes things like have dinner at 4 PM, Drive slowly with your blinker on, yell at some neighborhood kids, buy bifocals etc. It also included get up at 4AM.

So maybe because I woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep I'm becoming old? My dad gets up early every day. I've been in denial about my age for the past couple of years. I recently celebrated my 29th birthday for the 3rd time. I had a mid-life crisis the year I turned...I can't say it...the year I turned 29 for the second time. I told Sean I wanted to go buy a Mustang convertible, get a tattoo, I don't remember what else I said.

I did none of those things. Because I'm too old for that crap.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I feel old. But most of the time I feel like I'm younger than I really am. You may have read this on my blog, but this is my current favorite quote:

    “I don’t feel middle-aged — I just feel like I’ve been young a lot longer than most people. ”

    Maybe not being married or having kids keeps me younger. But I just don't really feel OLD yet. Or at least not responsible.

    And, yeah, I get up at 4 a.m. sometimes too. I hope you make it through the day.

    Great blog!


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