14 July 2009

I love to hate McDonald's

So I have 3 kids, and obviously we visit McDonald's on a regular basis. I have to admit, the food is pretty tasty. I'm sure it's the addictive chemicals. Whatever the reason, who can resist the fries, right?

But seriously, folks, why oh why can't the service be any better? I mean, I get it. People are working for 8 bucks an hour and you can't live on it. But why can't I ever get what I ordered? Or napkins even? When you order 3 Happy Meals, wouldn't it stand to reason you might have kids?

Today I ran through the drive thru, sort of, for breakfast. I got off work at 7:30 and met Sean and the kids. Normally we would go home for breakfast, but Ryan has a camp at 9 AM all week so by the time we get home he doesn't have time to eat and tyurn around and go back to town. So we're doing Dunkin' Donuts and stuff all week when I'm working. Today we decided on McDonald's. Ryan loves the Bacon, Egg, and Cheese biscuits and the girls love hash browns.

So I pull into the stupid double drive thru, where no matter what, I always pick the wrong lane. I get to the speaker and they say "Hello, hold on a moment" and I said "Ok."

So I sat there, while they took the orders for 5 cars in the other lane. 5!!!! WTF?? So I started calling "Hello? Hello???" and the lady said "I'm sorry for your wait, hold on just a moment please."


2 more cars order in the other lane so I just pulled out of line and went inside. I didn't want to because I had the kids in the car, but I figured at that rate it would be February before we got breakfast.

So I ordered our food. I order Kayla and Jordan a child size orange drink to share and they gave me a small. They figure right now the drinks are all 89 cents, so they always do that to me. Problem is the cup is too big. I just wanted to get out of there so I didn't try to exchange it.

Went out to my van, gave Ryan and Kayla their drinks, started to hand out hash browns when Kayla dropped her cup and I had 16oz of Hi-C flowing down the center aisle of my van. I grabbed the stack of napkins I got, which I probably wouldn't have had driving thru to clean it up. I sent Ryan in with her cup to refill it halfway, secretly hoping someone would come outside and tell me it wasn't allowed since I got it to go. I cleaned up all the ice and orange drink with the napkins and threw the dirty napkins in the parking lot. I doubt it's the manager or drive thru person who will have to clean it up but I was still mad.

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