27 October 2009

The Grand Canyon

So it's been awhile since I've blogged. We had H1N1 in our house along with pink eye, strep throat, stomach flu, and colds, all in the last month or so. Nobody has felt like doing anything.

I'm trying to wean Jordan off the pacifier. It's not going so well. I'm open to any and all suggestions please!

Sean had a birthday a few weeks ago. We went and saw "The Invention of Lying." It was hilarious. Go see it.

And I've been thinking about where our family should go on vacation to next year. We had some good vacations when I was a kid. Disney World, Daytona Beach, St. Louis for a week. We had great times. Except for the Grand Canyon. Don't take your kids there. It's really boring and there is nothing to do. Nothing. You just look at the Grand Canyon, which I will admit is beautiful. However after you've seen it for a few minutes, you're done. Granted the first time I went I was 14 and everything is lame at 14. But I went back at 18 with my dad, my brother, and my boyfriend, and it was still boring. The best part of the trip was my dad and my brother arguing over the Double Whopper from Burger King on the way home. Which actually was really funny, but that's another story.

So really I'm thinking it's not a great vacation spot with kids. Our kids like the beach. We'll probably end up somewhere like that again. And to be honest, I can't think of any better vacation than a beach.

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