27 April 2009

What can I say?

I'm not the best blog updater ever, I know. It's been a rough week at work. Lots of demises. And we're dealing with all of the new house stuff. Trying to plan decor, pack, get paperwork together. It's been a lot of work. I got to sing yesterday at Church though, which is always great for me! I love it, it's my favorite thing to do. I am at the end of my 5 day stretch off. I love this, but it's always hard to go back to work. I never accomplish as much as I hope to accomplish in that time off! I had hoped to have some stuff packed by tomorrow, some non-essential stuff that can be packed anyway! But oh well! I have a few more weeks to get stuff done anyway, right? I hope I can get everything done!

22 April 2009

I'm getting old.

The girls both woke up at 0430 and got into bed with Sean and me. This happens from time to time, but it's not usually both at the same time. So Jordan laid down on her cot beside our bed which is where Kayla would lay if Jordan hadn't gotten up at the same time. So Kayla laid down horizontally at the foot of our bed. Well I was really uncomfortable, naturally, so 45 minutes later I figured I'd go sleep on the couch. Which is ok, really! We have a very comfy couch I can stretch out on and have gotten many a good nap there.

But that's not the way life works. No, I laid on the couch for awhile and still couldn't fall back asleep. It's presently after 9 AM and I have been up since 0430 with no likelihood of a nap this afternoon and work tonight.

I'm reminded of an episode of How I Met Your Mother a few weeks ago. If you've never seen this show it's on at 7:30 PM on Monday nights on CBS. One of the all time funniest shows I've ever seen. (I do not work for CBS or the producers or writers of this show I just really like it.) Anyhoo, Ted, who is the main character in the show, tells his friends he is looking forward to being old. That it's a reward for getting through life. Barney, one of his friends, played by Neil Patrick Harris and who I will always consider to be Doogie Howser, MD, gives him a list of things that old people do and tells him to complete this list over a weekend and see how he likes it. The lists includes things like have dinner at 4 PM, Drive slowly with your blinker on, yell at some neighborhood kids, buy bifocals etc. It also included get up at 4AM.

So maybe because I woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep I'm becoming old? My dad gets up early every day. I've been in denial about my age for the past couple of years. I recently celebrated my 29th birthday for the 3rd time. I had a mid-life crisis the year I turned...I can't say it...the year I turned 29 for the second time. I told Sean I wanted to go buy a Mustang convertible, get a tattoo, I don't remember what else I said.

I did none of those things. Because I'm too old for that crap.

21 April 2009

I don't ask for much out of life

Well actually I do. But really. Is it so much to ask that in the 2 days between getting pre-approved for my mortgage and locking in the rate, that the percentage not jump up? I mean, come on, throw me a freaking bone here. I'm already paying the max I said we'd spend on a house. It's been a stressful few days. This is why some people rent homes their whole life. And I'm not kidding, I've considered that the last few days!!! It's a lot bigger pain in the butt than I ever thought buying a house would be! It's exhausting. But it's going to be my house. And it's great. And it's big. Really big. Way bigger than any rental I've ever had. I guess that's worth it. And we'll be getting the $8000 tax credit!!! Can't argue about those benefits. Now if only some rich relative would show up and pay my closing costs.

19 April 2009


I was looking through the videos I took at the New Kids on the Block concert a couple of weeks ago. There was a point in the concert where Joe took the stage by himself and sang a medley of some songs he had sung lead for. Right after that, Donnie took the stage by himself. And he said something like "Joe came backstage and told me 'Donnie - there is a girl in the audience. She's the one you're looking for. She's your Cover Girl.'" which of course naturally led into Donnie's song "Cover Girl" one of his more popular songs.

Now, I can't be 100% sure about this, but I am almost positive that he was talking about me. I've always felt that Joe and I had this connection, since I was like 12 years old. So I'm sure he was feeling it as well that night and told Donnie to look for me.

17 April 2009

weird sightings

If you were a follower of my blog from many years ago (before I had the girls) You might remember that I like to post when I see something really strange. Like the day I saw the old lady on a Harley. (Seriously - she was like 70 with blue hair, a polyester pantsuit, and orthopedic shoes. Riding a Harley. Grandma on a hog probably tops the weird sighting list.)

Anyhoo, do people use HAM radios much anymore? I mean, really, that often? I saw this little tiny Ford Escort today with HAM radio plates. Not so weird I know, what was weird was the GINORMOUS antenna on top of the car. It was like they were trying to contact Jupiter. The antenna had to be 6 feet tall, I kid you not. And part of it was probably as big around as a soda can. Stuck smack in the middle of the roof of the car. Weird. Who do they communicate with that they need an antenna that big??


We at Chocolate is a Fruit believe that working 4 nights in a row with 1 night off before 3 nights on is not only stupid, it's suicidal.

15 April 2009

I just need to take a shower!

Jordan hasn't taken a nap in 2 days. Kayla won't take one right now because Jordan isn't. I can't shower while they're awake. I have tried this. Usually what happens while I am in the shower, even a short shower, is they move kitchen chairs to the cabinets and get into the cookies and candy, they pull every book off the bookshelves, and they'll attempt to do something that they have no idea how to do, like play the Wii or "check e-mail." That's hat they say when I see them in the computer chair "I"m checking my e-mail!" Ugh! I already worked out a couple of hours ago and I am all sweaty and gross and I'd really like to take a shower and get dressed! And no, turning a movie on doesn't work either. Grrrr...


My daughters are fighting over whose turn it is to pick the show they are watching. They are sitting here screaming at each other "My turn to pick!" "No, MY turn to pick!!" "No, MY turn to pick!!" and so on. And they both want to watch Dora the Explorer.

14 April 2009

Now that lent is over...

I can eat candy again. Which is my huge weakness. And believe me, I've eaten plenty over the last 2 days!

In related news, a Cadbury Cream Egg is a great way to get an extra 150 calories in your diet.

13 April 2009

I was on call last night, and by the way, really surprised not to get called in. But naturally I left my cell phone on my nightstand in case they called in the middle of the night, which happens from time to time (BOO). Well about 4:30 this morning I thought I heard my phone vibrating so I grabbed it really quick to answer it when I realized there was no call, it was my husband snoring.

First posting

So I know everyone is really on the blog bandwagon. I used to be, back before I had a husband and 3 kids. But since then I haven't had so much time. And I occasionally wish I had somewhere to share the random thoughts that pop into my head now and then.