06 November 2010

We'll Always Have Paris

I was remembering today when I took a trip to London and Paris right after graduating nursing school. I had always wanted to visit those cities and thought that getting through nursing school as a single mom I had earned the trip. I saved money - not an easy task in that situation - and happily paid cash for it and went for 9 days to Europe by myself.

I loved England. Everything about it. It's beautiful, the people are super friendly, and despite what I had heard, it really never rained while I was there. The theatre in London is amazing. I have never been to New York, but supposedly the London theatre district is better than Broadway. I found an amazing toy store where I was able to buy lots of Harry Potter paraphernalia for Ryan that actually came from the UK. Easy to get around, so much to do, met some great people, saw some cool stuff, I want to go back so bad.

Paris was just eh. Beautiful, sure. The Eiffel Tower is more magnificent in person than any photo could capture. I didn't make it to the top because I had a slight panic attack on the second level. Paris is full of amazing architecture though, and fabulous crepes. Yummy. That said, I had a really rough time getting around the city. I speak almost no French and trying to navigate the subway system there requires a PhD I think.

I wanted to go to the Louvre. The place is ginormous. It's the old French royal palace but Louis XIV decided it wasn't big enough for his family so they built the Palace of Versailles. I walked around in there and actually said out loud "Who would think this place isn't big enough for their family??" There are some amazing pieces of art. So much that if you spent only 1 minute looking at everything in the Louvre, never stopping for anything else, it would take you 9 months to see it all. Crazy! So I saw the main things I wanted to see and decided to leave as I had tickets that night to go to Moulin Rouge. But I couldn't get out. I was lost. LOST! Inside the Louvre. I could not find a freaking exit! In the US, exits signs are obvious. Bright red, says EXIT, usually lighted. In England it's a green guy running out a door. France's is similar. But I didn't see it. I'm going upstairs, downstairs, couldn't get to the main entrance. I understand none of the signs and my English printed map of the museum is little help.

Finally I realized I was in the basement and there was a hallway. I thought the hallway has to end, right? Perhaps it ends at a door that takes me outside? I walk down the hallway and into...

A Mall?

A mall. Off the lower level of the Louvre. So I did what any other normal American girl would do in this situation. I shopped. And then found an exit.

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