05 July 2010

Luck be a lady

Jordan, my 3 year old daughter, has to be the luckiest kid on the planet. I want her to go buy me a lottery ticket or something. She wins everything. Here's some examples:

We were at Jupiter's for Ryan's birthday party and she was playing a game where all you have to do is hit a button and a ball falls and lands in a hole marked with the number of tickets you win, like 1-20 with a couple of smaller holes for 100 and Jackpot. It's easy enough for a 3 year old to play which is why she likes it so much. Jordan hit the Jackpot. Twice. She's also hit 100 on several occasions.

At Jupiter's another time she and Kayla wanted to play Skee-ball. They picked their machines. Kayla puts in her quarter and starts playing. Jordan puts in her quarter and the scoreboard starts flashing up to 850 points, and 250 tickets shoot out before she ever even touched a ball. That happened 2 more times and I told Jordan she wasn't getting off this malfunctioning Skee-ball game. Of course, Kayla is standing there with her 4-5 tickets a game wondering how Jordan was doing that since she had a huge pile of 750 tickets sitting there. Then my dad developed a conscience and told the manager the machine was malfunctioning and he shut it down. I said "Dad! Do you know how much money I've dropped into Jupiter's over the years?" I felt like I'd earned it. And I did make Jordan and Kayla share tickets for prizes, to be fair.

Saturday we were at Walmart and the kids all asked for a gumball. I had several quarters so I said ok. Kayla goes first, gets a yellow gumball. Ryan goes next, gets a green gumball. Jordan goes last and out pops a pink AND a white gumball.

Last year we were at the fair and she played a game where you shoot darts at balloons and whatever prize was listed on the tag behind the balloon you win. So she hits one that's a small prize, but she really likes this huge stuffed animal. They just gave it to her anyway.

Maybe she's just super cute or something. At parades, they throw a ton of candy at her feet, she hardly has to run for it.

Oh yeah - and she is super petite and eats all the freaking time. I've talked to her doctor several times about how she doesn't gain weight. Really from one checkup to the next she gains at the most 1 pound. She eats breakfast, 2 snacks before lunch, then lunch, 2 snacks before dinner, dinner, and 2 snacks before bed. I'm not kidding. Her metabolism is so fast. I don't know how she got that, not from me I'm sorry to say, but she is blessed and I'm sure will be most grateful for that someday. I wish I could bottle that and market it, I'd be a millionaire.

I wonder if she could pass for a very small adult? Like a little person. I'd love to take her to a casino with me. I bet I could just let her pick a slot machine and pull the handle and we'd win a ton of money.

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