14 September 2009

An open letter to my daughters

Dear Kayla and Jordan,

Sweethearts, I understand it's really fun to play with telephones. I, too, enjoy pretending to talk to you on the phone. It's a fun activity! However, would it be too much to ask that you stick with the multiple toy telephones we have in the house and not the real phones? Please stop calling 911 and having the police come to our house. I think the first couple of times they were ok with it, but really now I think it's not so funny anymore. Eventually Mommy and Daddy are going to get into trouble. And just how do your little fingers manage to dial the "9-1-1" as soon as you turn the phone on anyway? I'm amazed by that. Please stop playing with the phones and I'll buy you some M&M's.

Love, Mommy

01 September 2009

A shocking discovery

The Savoy Wal-mart got new carts, and is remodeling the store to look all fancy and upscale. Well, whatever, it's still Wal-mart, but I appreciate the effort so maybe I don't feel so cheap when I shop there. Anyhoo, so they got rid of all of the old carts and got new ones. I'd say yay to that because the old ones were all worn out and you couldn't hardly find one with a seat that wasn't cracked or with an intact seatbelt for your child to sit in. But the new carts, I don't know what's up with them. Every time I touch them, they shock me. And I can't even like ground myself out by touching something else metal before I touch one, it doesn't work. Yesterday I was walking around the store and I never let go of the handle and it was continually shocking me every few minutes, like it was electrical or something. It kind of hurt my hands after awhile. I'm not a big fan of the new carts.