29 May 2009

Wii Fit gripe

I know with all of the rest of the problems in the world, this pales in comparison. But does anyone else find it unnecessary that after you turn on the Wii Fit and it says "step on!" as soon as you step on it goes "Oh!" in a tone that suggests you are squashing it? I also don't appreciate when I do the Wii Fit test and it calculates my BMI it says "You're obese!" Thanks. I already knew that.

22 May 2009


So my Dad is a die-hard Cubs fan. Always has been since before I was born. When I was probably 7 I decided I was going to become a Cardinals fan. Just to drive him crazy. I told him then it was because I like their uniforms better, but really it was just to annoy him.

So one year we were on vacation in St Louis (this is the year I was about 8) And Ghostbusters was pretty popular. He bought my a Cubsbusters t-shirt. It had the Cubs logo inside the Ghostbuster logo instead of the ghost. It was kind of funny. And I worke the crap out of it for the next year or so until it was full of holes.

Then when I was about 9 I was watching a game with him and they were playing the Mets. I decided I was going to like the Mets. I have no earthly idea why. But he said he didn't care if I liked the Mets, it was better than liking the Cardinals, so I was a Mets fan for a minute or so. It wasn't the uniforms because seriously I have no idea what they looked like. Can't even tell you where they're from.

Then in high school everyone was White Sox fans. So I jumped on that. Bought some White Sox T-shirts, watched a few games. It lasted maybe a season. My dad asked me to name 3 players who played for the White Sox. I think I named 1. I did win box seats to a Cardinals-Astros game in St Louis that year and went. It was my first and currently only major league ball game I've been to. I don't remember who won, but I did enjoy the peanuts.

Then a few years ago The Cubs thought about making it to the World Series. And I thought about rooting for them. I kind of was because I know their history and thought it would be cool if they won. We all know that didn't happen. When the Cardinals and White Sox won their World Series I was happy, and totally cheered them on.

Now it's summer and we're back into baseball season. I hear people talking. I listen. I was wondering who I should really root for.

Then it hit me.

I freaking hate baseball.

15 May 2009

My new favorite website


Freaking hilarious. I can't stop reading. I have laughed so hard today I am pretty sure if I don't get off the computer soon, I am going to pee my pants. Enjoy!!

13 May 2009

and now more randomness

I got my dog groomed today. He's a Yorkie-Poo which is a Yorkshire Terrier - Toy Poodle mix if you didn't know. He's a lot bigger than I was hoping he'd be. But he needed a trim really bad so I took him in today and they said they had to trim him short because he had several tangles in his fur. I said OK. Evidently, he was ALL FUR. Because he is now the size of a small cat. I bet he lost 3 pounds. He only weighed 10 at the vet last week. I hate the shampoo they used. he smells like mustard. He's a mustard dog.

I introduced Kayla to the exciting world of flip flops this week. She really likes them but evidently they are as difficult to learn to walk in as high heels, as evidenced by the multiple abrasions on her knees, lovingly covered by Dora the Explorer and Disney princess bandaids.

Ryan wants a hamster. I told him he couldn't even care for his goldfish, they all died. He promised he could keep a hamster alive. He is now responsible for an imaginary hamster for a month. He has to feed it twice a day and clean it's cage twice a week. Which means he comes and tells me "Mom, it's time to feed my hamster!" so I know he remembered. I'm giving it 2 days - tops.

My mother's day kind of sucked this year. Sean usually gets me great gifts and cards from the kids. He didn't do that this year. And Ryan was crying on Sunday because he didn't have anything to give me. But he did make me a sweet card in Sunday School. I wouldn't fix dinner because I was mad so I made Sean go to Champaign and get take-out. And I made him go to this place that's in the middle of all the one-way streets on campus and is a total pain in the ass to get to. They have really good food, but I never go there. That is why.

We're moving in a month. I haven't started packing. And I'm having a garage sale in 3 weeks and I haven't started getting ready for that either. I bet I live here a month after we close on the new place because I can't get my life organized.

03 May 2009

You gotta love kids

Kayla has been saying for awhile that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Recently she has decided she wants to be a "skate girl" which after many questions I have determined to mean ice skater. She wants to be a doctor skate girl. Are there many doctors that are also figure skaters? If so, that is the career path my daughter has chosen to pursue.