Is it wrong that sometimes I turn a movie on for the kids so that I can have some me-time to play on the computer or read, etc?
Is it wrong that this happens nearly every day?
Is it wrong that I do this so that I can take a nap occasionally after a rough night shift?
Sometimes I let the girls eat snacks in the living room because I don't feel like listening to the whining. I know, inconsistency.
I'm secretly excited that Kayla is going to kindergarten this fall and Jordan is going to preschool. Maybe not so secret because it is exciting, but it's also exciting that I might get to go to the store by myself! Or eat breakfast while reading the paper and nobody will bother me! And I can take an extra long shower if I want because nobody will be there to destroy the house and get into the snack cabinet. This list could go on for awhile.
Lord no your not worng for that! I do the same thing!!!